
Thriving provides a number of exercise services alongside community partners including face-to-face and online services.

Thriving Kids + Teens

A unique service that uses exercise expertise to improve the health of kids and young people whose ability to participate in community or school-based physical activity is impacted by physical, mental or behavioural conditions.

All abilities, inclusive and mixed ages with the aim to provide exercise experience for all young people.

Services are available Mon – Sat during WA School Terms and include:

Delivered in partnership since 2012 with UWA – School of Human Sciences, and supported by Telethon 7. 


Thriving Connect (aka Telehealth)

Exercise services provided via remote technology to support the physical and mental health of kids and young people.

​All online sessions run for 30mins, and are available Mon – Sat with programs including:

Thriving Youth

A community based movement service delivered as an inclusive physical activity program that is flexible and responsive to the needs of disengaged and vulnerable or ‘at risk’ youth who are currently under-serviced in community physical activity pathways in Western Australia (WA). 

Program participants may have lived experience of:

All abilities, safe and inclusive, community based sessions at a variety of locations to support WA teens and young people.

Each program is tailored based on preference of participants, ages and community needs.